Our Science

Whether its with interactive video, data driven selection or psychological analyses, everything we do at edease is designed to help you make better decisions. It's our mission to help you make each of them with greater confidence.

Our approach to people is based on a scientific understanding of the differences in people's natural preference for behaviour, their predispositions. Grounded in decades of research, our Global Predispotion Indicator surfaces granular insight into a person's ways of thinking and doing in collaborative environments.

Stylised atom drawing.

Our toolkit


The Career Direction Indicator (CDI)

What is it?

The second arm of our toolkit is designed to tease out what an individuals unique behaviour preferences are, in relation to fundamental vocational themes and developmental pathways. It's particularly useful in broadening a person's perspective on possible careers suited to them and a rounded idea of the variety of possible careers out there.

Relating behaviour preferences to jobs

Any given individual will tend to be drawn towards and enjoy jobs that involve  particular types of behaviours that match with their own unique behaviour preferences. By behaviour preferences we broadly mean any task, activity, process, way of thinking about or doing things that an individual naturally enjoys. These preferences will be different for different people. For example one person may enjoy tasks that involve planning, while another may not like that at all, instead preferring activities that involve interacting with people.

Crucially, some people may find a wide variety of different tasks or activities highly enjoyable, while others may be more strongly drawn to a smaller set of specific  activities. The key message here is that the nature of each individual’s behaviour preferences is unique to them.

How does this help the individual?

Being aware of your own behavioural preferences can help you to make informed career decisions, maximising the chance that you will find a job or a career pathway that really suits you, one that is fulfilling, challenging and enjoyable.

What the CDI is not:

It is crucial to recognise the limits of any tool that has consequences for an individual's life decisions. In this lane, the CDI does not measure an individual's skill level or ability in relation to jobs. It does not gauge whether an individual can or cannot perform a particular job, or whether they should or should not do a particular type of job.

Rather: the CDI is a measure of how your personal behaviour preferences align to particular types of jobs and career pathways.

The Career Themes Model:

Career Theme:

'Specific types of behaviour relevant to different career paths'

The Model

Derived from an extensive history of research and real-world expertise, the Career Themes Model identifies how your behaviour preferences align with 9 career Themes. These themes are exhaustive, meaning collectively they describe all existent jobs in terms of specific groupings and types of behaviour relevant to different career paths.


So what do the results from this assessment look like? In tune with best-practice survey design and statistical science the CDI measures a person's preferences for each of the 9 themes against each other and neutralises response biases. A hierarchical result is produced, ordering a person's thematic preferences in a series of significance, from most to least interested. In general, people score most highly across three (at most, 4) definitive themes. Further detail describes the relative strength of these themes, as either more evenly distributed or skewed towards certain themes.

The Vocational Motives Model:

Vocational Motive:

'Common drivers for career choices over time'

The Model

The second element of the CDI identifies where your behaviour preferences align with 3 'vocational motives' - these are common drivers for a individual's career choices over time. They speak to people's longer term goals for their careers, rather than the first steps. Generally they underpin people's strategic decisions throughout the course of a career: to achieve excellence in a chosen field (Specialist), to create and grow businesses (Entrepreneurship), or to direct and engage others (Leadership).


Again, a hierarchy is produced from the 3 motives in descending order of significance. The purpose of which is to inform a person's 'developmental' decisions throughout a career or life's work. As an individual moves along a path, the long-term orientation of this direction is generally dictated by one of the three motives highlighted above.

Consider someone with a preference for ‘Entrepreneurship’ who may be suited to starting their own business or growing and developing an existing business in to something larger and more successful. This person may be able to achieve this straight out of school but actually they may find it valuable to work as an employee of a few different companies first, to gain useful experience and knowledge that they can utilise later. Equally, someone with a preference for ‘Specialist’ cannot expect to become an expert over night, it will require studying and working in their chosen field over many months and years.

CDI and Job-Person Analysis

How do we use the CDI in job-person 'fit'?

Finding a person who's suited to a particular type of job requires both an understanding of the intrinsic nature of the role, and an outline of the people who are actively performing in the role and company climate.

Using the CDI to survey those professionals adds a needed piece to the psychological puzzle of what makes them 'tick': why they think the way they do, the behavioural preferences they have that underpin their success, and what drives them.  

Combining the CDI, GPI™ and other analyses we generate a justified, data-driven framework highly predictive of a individual's workplace success and enjoyment. They form the empirical basis of other's suitability or 'fit', alongside how capable they are in the defining tasks and skillsets of the role in question.