Our Science

Whether its with interactive video, data driven selection or psychological analyses, everything we do at edease is designed to help you make better decisions. It's our mission to help you make each of them with greater confidence.

Our approach to people is based on a scientific understanding of the differences in people's natural preference for behaviour, their predispositions. Grounded in decades of research, our Global Predispotion Indicator surfaces granular insight into a person's ways of thinking and doing in collaborative environments.

Stylised atom drawing.

Our toolkit


Video Interactivity

Interactivity enables learning

Interactivity is essential to effectively teach skills and knowledge through the medium of video. This proprietary technology underpins our approach to education, morphing the viewing experience of users from something passive, from merely absorbing information, to actively associating with the learning process itself.

Engagement with the learning material is encouraged with embedded assessments, tests and tasks. We've shown these to improved retention and recall- in large part because viewers transition from just watching to participating and experiencing. Interactivity provides several enhancements to the learning process:

  1. Improved attention, recall, retention and enjoyment
  2. Knowledge reinforcement with immediate feedback
  3. Adaptive content and personalization
  4. Learning anywhere, anytime

This technology allows us alter the delivery of information in line with a variety of different educational needs and business contexts: technical ability, subject matter and complexity, age, environment and more.

The interactive method is much more effective than conventional video in establishing an understanding of job fundamentals and essential skills, all the way up to the measurement of high-level skill-sets for more senior positions through advanced case-study and task simulation.

"You can't manage what you can't measure"

While also a vessel for recruitment and analysis, interactivity provides the means to teach skills required by the position, sector and company as part-and-parcel of the job seeking process. This paves the way for the private sector to proactively close skills-gaps as part of their talent acquisition strategy.

Ultimately, businesses pay for delivered behaviour; a person’s real, practical ability in the most basic elements of a vocation underpin their success. As businesses can monitor this across large groups, and also relatively smaller cohorts, we help them pinpoint areas of weakness or lack of understanding for further targeted learning.

Meaningful Viewership

Organisations are able to leverage their existing expertise and brand recognition across different markets to drive video traffic- this viewership is then transformed from conventional ‘empty’ metrics (likes, shares) to ‘meaningful’ indicators of potential. Curiosity, genuine interest and natural ability are folded into opportunities for learners as the latter carry employment value in the form of capability (and suitability) indicators for businesses. Exploiting brand equity in this way allows an organisation to widen the pool of potential hires for a position exponentially: as engagement swells, so does the number of potentially suitable candidates.

Video enables businesses to capitalise on existing organisational strengths and competencies by generating videos both about and through this knowledge, our video content both promotional and selective.

Viewership becomes meaningful for both learners and employers with interactivity - businesses are granted insight to the practical ability of potential employees, and learners develop knowledge of job-ready skills as demanded by the roles they're naturally interested in.


Interactivity and CSR

Fairness becomes easy with data

Research into edease’s job-person fit approach has shown the existence of a few key factors that drive a person’s performance and well-being in a given position. These are measurable and highly predictive in long-term workplace success.

An obvious conclusion of this approach is that personal characteristics are not relevant to employers should their ability and/or predispositions align well, among other things. Though technical ability is undoubtedly helped by a Russell Group education, or high social class and access to resources in general, it is not necessitated by it.

When effectively implemented, this allows us to remove user demographics commonly causes of selection biases: ethnicity, race, gender, class, and so on, from the entire early-stage selection process. This allows us to level the employment playing field in terms of access and opportunity, whilst securing performance outcomes needed for bottom-line growth by setting standards for ability.